Weight Loss Tracker

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

August 4, 2009

Today I weighed in at 159. Although I haven't been tracking points since May 2nd, I've been able to lose an additional 10 lbs. I've been able to drop from my original size 18 (yes, I'm not afraid to share that!) to a size 12. I feel so much better about myself and I have even gone out in public in a bathing suit! A lot of things have happened since I last posted.

I lost my job due to the lack of available work on May 2nd. I am now a stay at home mom and love each moment. We've had to make a lot of sacrifices and will have to make even more as time goes by.

I turned 30 on June 18th. I know how much harder it is to stay fit as you get older, so I'm really going to need to keep on top of this!

I stopped going to ZUMBA when I stopped working. The gym with ZUMBA was right next to work and very convenient, but since I'm no longer out that way, it just isn't going to work. In addition, the great instructor, Trudi, left the gym and I wasn't wild with the young girls they brought in to replace her!

Addy's been struggling with her eating and vomiting still. We've contacted a new set of doctors that we think are going to be able to help us. We're in the middle of that process, so it's stressful.

I had been planning a trip with my good friend from college, Angie. We drove to Wisconsin to see our favorite band, Dave Matthews Band, at Alpine Valley. We stayed for 2 nights at a campground and saw both nights of concerts. It was an awesome experience and we've decided to make it an annual trip! This past weekend, I was lucky enough to get to see DMB again at Deer Creek in Indy. I only made it to one night of concerts, but met up with a good group of friends from college (Amber, Angie, Jerry, Chris) and some new friends too (Jeremy, Slone, Traci). Next year, I'm planning on going to both nights and camping up there with the group.

I've decided that while I'm so proud of my weight loss so far, I really need to get back on track. I'm hoping to lose the additional weight before the concerts next year! It's certainly obtainable and reasonable.

I'm having to make more of an effort to get personal time now that I'm a stay at home mom, so I'm going to strive to make greater connections with friends and to explore my surroundings. I need to enjoy the wonderful life I have and live it to the fullest.

So, here's to inspiration!

Friday, May 1, 2009

May 1, 2009

Starting weight: 169.5
POINT GOAL: 20 pts

14 mini rice cakes - 2 pts
water (8 oz) - 0 pts
subtotal: 2pts

baked potato - 3 pts
1/2 c fat free cottage cheese - 2 pts
medium banana - 2 pts
1/2 serving WW chocolate fudge brownie ice cream - 1 pt
24 oz water
subtotal: 8 pts

WW Giant Latte Ice Cream Bar - 1 pt
subtotal: 1 pt

8 Gorton's grilled shrimp - 2 pts
2/3 c brown rice - 3 pts
2/3 c corn - 1 pt
16 oz sugar free koolaide
subtotal: 6 pts

1 bag popcorn - 3 pts
16 oz sugar free kookaide
subtotal: 3 pts



WATER: 64 oz fluid total

Thursday, April 30, 2009

April 30, 2009

Starting weight: 169.5
POINT GOAL: 20 pts

2 Aunt Millie's whole wheat mini bagels - 2pts
2 T fat free strawberry cream cheese - 1 pts
1 WW yogurt - 1 pt
water (8 oz) - 0 pts
subtotal: 4pts

7 slices Healthy Ones turkey and ham - 1 pt
1/2 c fat free cottage cheese - 2 pts
1 oz Ruffles Light chips - 1 pt
7 mini rice cakes - 1 pt
water (16 oz) - 0 pts
subtotal: 5 pts

Tonight we celebrated Addy's birthday with Nick's family. Grin cooked and she used all low cal recipes since she is following WW too, so I felt good with the choices. I don't know the point values, but here's what I ate:
Pork Chop with onions and apples - ?
green beans with a few small red potatoes and onion - ?
whole grain bread - ?
mini cupcake - 2 pts
2 tarts - 4 pts
8 oz diet soda - 0 pts
subtotal: 11 pts (estimated)

1/2 bag of low fat popcorn - 1.5 pts
16 oz sugar free kool aide
subtotal: 1.5 pts

TOTAL POINTS: 21.5 pts


WATER: 48 oz liquids throughout the day

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April 29, 2009

Starting weight: 168.5 (Not sure why the 2.5 lb drop in one day, but I'll take it!)
POINT GOAL: 20 pts

2 Aunt Millie's whole wheat mini bagels - 2pts
1 T fat free strawberry cream cheese - 0 pts
1 WW yogurt - 1 pt
subtotal: 3pts

7 slices Healthy Ones turkey and ham - 1 pt
1 c fat free cottage cheese - 2 pts
1 oz Ruffles Light chips - 1 pt
1/2 Reese's Crispy Crunchy Bar - 3 pts
water (8 oz) - 0 pts
Crystal Light metabolism+ peach mango green tea (16oz) - 0 pts
subtotal: 7 pts

South Beach Chocolate Crispy Meal Bar - 4 pt
water (8 oz) - 0 pts
subtotal: 4 pts

6" Subway Ham sandwich on wheat, no cheese with lettuce & yellow mustard - 5 pts
16 oz sugar free cherry kool aid - 0 pts
subtotal: 5 pts

4 reduced fat vanilla wafers - 1 pt
2 T reduced sugar Pillsbury chocolate frosting - 2 pts
1 medium banana - 2 pts
subtotal: 5 pts


EXERCISE: one hour of ZUMBA! (earned 6 activity points)
16 oz water during zumba

WATER: total of 64 oz.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

April 28, 2009

Starting weight: 171
POINT GOAL: 20 pts

2 Aunt Millie's whole wheat mini bagels - 2pts
1 T fat free cream cheese - 0 pts
1 WW yogurt - 1 pt
subtotal: 3pts

7 slices Healthy Ones turkey and ham - 1 pt
1 c fat free cottage cheese - 2 pts
1 oz Ruffles Light chips - 1 pt
subtotal: 4 pts

1/2 Reese's Crispy Crunchy Bar - 3 pts
7 mini rice cakes - 1 pt
subtotal: 4 pts

2 eggs, "fried" in nonstick spray - 4 pts
4 slices turkey bacon - 2 pts
2 slices bread - 2 pts
16 oz lemonade made with splenda - 0 pts
subtotal: 8 pts

4 reduced fat vanilla wafers - 1 pt
tootsie pop - 1 pt
subtotal: 2 pts



WATER: total of 16 oz of the lemonade I had for dinner... I need to remember my water bottle tomorrow!

April 27, 2009

As recovery from the busy weekend, I didn't track points today either, but I spent some good quality time with Addyson and that's important too.

April 26, 2009

Today we walked in a 4 mile March for Babies to raise money for the March of Dimes. Again, with all the activities, I failed to track my points. But, I did get a ton of exercise and then a great nap in the afternoon.

April 25, 2009

Today is my daughter, Addyson's, 2nd birthday. We had family in from out of town and we had a picnic and went to the zoo. I didn't count points or track any food today, but I'm sure I got some exercise in between walking the zoo and setting up the cookout/picnic and playing at the playground. Happy Birthday Addy!

April 24, 2009

Today I was so busy running errands and prepping for the busy weekend that I didn't keep track of what I ate. I'm sure I didn't do too badly, at least today.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

April 23, 2009

Starting weight: 171.5
POINT GOAL: 20 pts

I skipped breakfast today! Not sure why but all the sudden it was lunch time!
subtotal: 0 pts

1 slice Pizza Hut Large Thin Crust (extra sauce, less cheese) with pineapple - 5 pts
1 oz Ruffles Light Chips - 1 pt
1 pkt Crystal Light metabolism+ Peach Mango Green Tea in 16 oz water - 0 pts
subtotal: 6 pts

Weight Watchers yogurt - 1 pt
1 pkt Crystal Light metabolism+ Peach Mango Green Tea in 16 oz water - 0 pts
7 mini rice cakes - 1 pt
subtotal - 2 pts

I honestly can't remember now what I ate for the rest of the day on Thursday because now it's Tuesday and we had a busy week and I didn't write down anything!




Wednesday, April 22, 2009

April 22, 2009

Starting weight: 171.5
POINT GOAL: 20 pts

2 Aunt Millies Mini Wheat Bagels - 2 pts
2 T fat free cream cheese - 0 pts
1 pkt Crystal Light metabolism+ Peach Mango Green Tea in 16 oz water - 0 pts
subtotal: 2 pts

7 slices Healthy Ones turkey Deli Meat - 1 pt
1/2 c fat free cottage cheese - 2 pts
1 oz Ruffles Light Chips - 1 pt
1 pkt Crystal Light metabolism+ Peach Mango Green Tea in 16 oz water - 0 pts
7 mini rice cakes - 1 pt
subtotal: 5 pts

South Beach Protein Bar - 4 pts
(I always feel like I need something before ZUMBA!)

6" Ham & Turkey Subway on Wheat, no cheese. Lettuce & yellow mustard - 5 pts
1 oz Ruffles Light Chips - 1 pt
16 oz lemonade made with splenda & lemon juice - 0 pts
subtotal: 6 pts

Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwich (cookies & cream) - 3 pts
subtotal: 3 pts


EXERCISE: 1 hour of ZUMBA! (drank 16 oz water during/after)

WATER: 64 oz total including the noted above

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April 21, 2009

Starting weight: 172.5
POINT GOAL: 20 pts

2 Aunt Millies Mini Wheat Bagels - 2 pts
2 T fat free cream cheese - 0 pts
1 WW yogurt - 1 pt
subtotal: 3 pts

I had to skip lunch today because I was with a customer all afternoon.
subtotal: 0 pts

Because I had to skip lunch, I was starving for dinner! Husband suggested ordering a pizza.
3 slices Pizza Hut Large, Thin Crust, extra sauce, less cheese with PINEAPPLE! - 15 pts
subtotal: 15 pts

Tootsie Pop - 1 pt
subtotal: 1 pt



WATER: 32 oz water with lemon juice and splenda

April 20, 2009

Starting weight: 172.5
POINT GOAL: 20 pts

oatmeal with 1/2 c strawberries - 2 1/2 pts
subtotal: 2 1/2 pts

Chicken & Cornbread Stuffing Casserole (lunch sized portion) - 4 1/2 pt
2 T cool whip free - 0
4 reduced fat vanilla wafers - 1 pt
1/2 c non fat cottage cheese - 2 pts
1 oz Ruffles Light Chips - 1 pt
subtotal: 8 1/2 pts

1/2 low fat turkey polska kielbasa - 3 1/2 pts
potato oven "fries" - 3 1/2 pts
1/2 c sweet peas - 0 pts
subtotal: 7 pts

7 mini rice cakes, carmel corn - 1 pt
subtotal: 1 pt


EXERCISE: danced around the house with Addy, 1 hour

WATER: 56 oz water with a little lemon juice and splenda

April 19, 2009

Starting weight: 173
POINT GOAL: 20 pts

1 serving oatmeal with 1/2 c strawberries - 2 1/2 pts
subtotal: 2 1/2 pts

Aunt Millie's Wheat English Muffin - 1 pt
1/8 c pizza sauce - 0 pts
1/8 c reduced fat cheese - 1 pt
8 slices Hormel Turkey Pepperoni - 1 pt
1 oz Ruffles Light Chips - 1 pt
1/2 skinny cow, cookies & cream ice cream sandwich - 1 1/2 pts
subtotal: 5 1/2 pts

7 mini rice cakes - 1 pt
WW yogurt - 1 pt
South Beach Protein Bar - 4 pts
subtotal: 6 pts

Chicken & Cornbread Stuffing Casserole - 6 pts
subtotal: 6 pts

2 T Cool Whip Free - 0 pts
8 reduced fat vanilla wafers - 2 pts
subtotal: 2 pts



WATER: 64 oz water with a little lemon juice and splenda

April 18, 2009

Starting weight: 173.5
POINT GOAL: 20 pts

1/2 skinny cow, cookies & cream ice cream sandwich - 1 1/2 pts
subtotal: 1 1/2 pts

Aunt Millie's Wheat English Muffin - 1 pt
1 egg - 2 pts
1/8 c reduced fat cheese - 1 pt
1/2 skinny cow, cookies & cream ice cream sandwich - 1 1/2 pts
subtotal: 5 1/2 pts

2 Aunt Millie's wheat english muffins - 2 pts
1/4 c pizza sauce - 0 pts
17 slices Hormel Turkey Pepperoni - 2 pts
1/4 c reduced fat cheese - 2 pts
1 oz Ruffles Light Chips - 1 pt
subtotal: 7 pts

South Beach Protein Bar - 4 pts
1/2 skinny cow, cookies & cream ice cream sandwich - 1 1/2 pts
subtotal: 5 1/2 pts

TOTAL POINTS: 19 1/2 pts

EXERCISE: cleaned house all day and did yard work, pulled Addy in wagon around yard for an hour!

WATER: 48 oz water with a little lemon juice and splenda

Friday, April 17, 2009

April 17, 2009

Starting weight: 172.5
POINT GOAL: 20 pts

2 Aunt Millie's whole wheat mini bagels - 2pts
1 T fat free cream cheese - 0 pts
1 WW yogurt - 1 pt
subtotal: 3pts

1 c fat free cottage cheese - 3 pts
1 oz Ruffles Light chips - 1 pt
subtotal: 4 pts

Date Night with Hubby!
Red Lobster
Salad with Raspberry Vinagrette Dressing - 3 pts
Cheddar Biscuit - 4 pts
Lunch Portion of Grilled Tilapia - 4 pts
Small Plain Baked Potato - 3 pts
subtotal: 14 pts



WATER: did not calculate today

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Unstuffed Pepper Soup

Unstuffed Pepper Soup

taken from Aimee's Adventures

Serves 12

3 Points per Serving

1 Lb. 96% Lean Ground Beef, cooked
2 (14.5 oz.) Cans Diced Tomatoes seasoned with basil, garlic and oregano
2 (10.5 oz.) Cans Chicken Broth (or 2 bullion cubes dissolved in 21 oz water)
1 Large Onion, chopped
3 Bell Peppers, Chopped
2 (10 3/4 oz.) Cans Condensed Tomato Soup
1 1/2 Cups Cooked Long Grain Rice (I actually use brown minute rice)

Spray crockpot with non-stick cooking spray. Inside the crockpot, Combine the cooked beef, diced tomatoes, chicken broth, onion, bell peppers and tomato soup. Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours. Warm up the rice, stir it into the soup and serve.

This is great served with some crusty rolls and some fat free cottage cheese!

Easy Ziti

Easy Ziti

Recipe adapted from Weight Watchers Cook It Quick
Serves 6
7 Points per serving

1 (16 oz) jar reduced-fat spaghetti sauce
½ c part-skim ricotta cheese or cottage cheese
1 (1 lb) box ziti or other pasta (I generally try to use whole wheat pasta)
½ c shredded reduced-fat mozzarella or other Italian cheese blend

1. Preheat the broiler. In a large bowl, mix the spaghetti sauce and ricotta thoroughly, until smooth.
2. Meanwhile, cook the ziti according to package directions. Drain and stir into the sauce, then spread into a 9x13 inch metal baking dish (just make sure it’s safe for the broiler). Sprinkle with cheese. Broil until the cheese is melted and golden, about 5 minutes.

I generally serve this with some green beans, since I don’t really care for salad, but a salad would be perfect. To make variations, stir in 1 ½ c sautéed chopped mushrooms, zucchini, or a 10-ounce box of thawed frozen peas when you mix the pasta and sauce.

Stuffed French Toast

Stuffed French Toast

Recipe adapted from Betty Crocker's Low-fat, Low-cholesterol cooking today
6 servings

4 points per serving

12 slices French bread, ½ inch thick

6 T fat-free soft cream cheese

¼ c preserves or jam (any flavor)

½ c egg beaters or 4 egg whites, slightly beathen

½ c skim milk

2 T sugar

powdered sugar (optional)

syrup (optional) – points not calculated

  1. Spread one side of the 6 slices of bread with 1 T of the cream cheese. Spread one side of the other 6 slices with 2 t of the preserves. Place bread with cream cheese and bread with preserves together in pairs (basically, make a sandwich with cream cheese and jam).
  2. Beat egg product, milk, sugar until smooth; pour into shallow bowl.
  3. Spray griddle or skillet with cooking spray; heat griddle or skillet over medium-low heat or to 325. Dip each side of sandwich into egg mixture. Cook sandwiches 2 to 3 minutes on each side or until golden brown. Transfer to plate; dust with powdered sugar. Serve with syrup.

Serve with turkey bacon or sausage and some fruit, like orange wedges.
This makes a great “brinner” (breakfast for dinner) or breakfast.

Chicken & Corn Bread Stuffing Casserole

Chicken & Corn Bread Stuffing Casserole

Recipe adapted from Betty Crocker's Low-fat, Low-cholesterol cooking today
Serves 4
6 points per serving

1 can (10 ¾ ounces) condensed 98% fat-free cram of chicken or celery soup
¾ c skim milk
1 can (15 oz) mixed veggies (or a 10 oz bag frozen, thawed and drained)
¼ c chopped onion
¼ t ground sage or poultry seasoning (I do not use)
2 c cut-up cooked chicken or turkey breast
1 box stuffing mix (corn bread variety)
1/8 t pepper
Paprika, if desired (I do not use)
  1. Heat oven to 400. Spray 3 quart casserole with cooking spray.
  2. Heat soup and milk to boiling in 3-quart saucepan over high heat, stirring frequently. Stir in mixed vegetables, onion, and sage. Heat to boiling, stirring frequently; remove from heat.
  3. Stir in chicken and stuffing mix. Spoon into casserole dish. Sprinkle with pepper and paprika. Bake uncovered about 15-20 minutes or until hot in the center.

Serve with a side salad and some fresh fruit.

Sweet Potato Suprise

Sweet Potato Surprise

Recipe adapted from Betty Crocker's Low-fat, Low-cholesterol cooking today
6 servings
2 points per serving

1 18 oz can of sweet potatoes, drained
1 T packed brown sugar
6 large marshmallows
1 T margarine, melted
1/3 c cornflakes, crushed

  1. Heat oven to 450; spray 8x8 pan with nonstick cooking spray. Mash (really well) sweet potatoes and brown sugar. Shape 1/3 c potato mixture around each marshmallow into a ball.
  2. Brush 1 sweet potato ball at a time with margarine; roll in cornflake crumbs to coat. Place in pan. Bake uncovered 8-10 minutes or until coating is light brown.
This is typically served at my house with Southern Oven "Fried" Chicken and some green beans.

Southern Oven "Fried" Chicken

Southern Oven "Fried" Chicken

Recipe adapted from Weight Watchers New Complete Cookbook
4 servings

5 points per serving

½ c fat-free buttermilk (or substitute ½ c skim milk and 1 t white vinegar)

2-3 drops hot red pepper sauce

½ c cornflakes, crushed

3 T all-purpose flour

¼ t salt

¼ t pepper

1 ½ lbs boneless, skinless, chicken breasts

4 t canola oil (we just use cooking spray)

  1. Preheat the oven to 400; spray a large baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray.
  2. In a large shallow bowl, combine the buttermilk and pepper sauce. On a sheet of wax paper, combine the cornflake crumbs, flour, salt and pepper. Dip the chicken in the buttermilk, then dredge in the cornflake mixture, coating completely.
  3. Place the chicken on the baking sheet; drizzle with the oil (or spray with cooking spray). Bake 30 minutes, turn the chicken over. Bake until cooked through, 15-20 mintues longer. (You may not need this much time if your chicken pieces are smaller/thinner).

We typically serve this with Sweet Potato Suprise and some green beans.

Sweet Brown Bread

Sweet Brown Bread
Recipe adapted from Weight Watchers New Complete Cookbook

12 servings

1 point per serving

1 ¼ cups whole wheat flour

1 t baking powder

1 t grated orange or lemon zest (I omit if I do not have on hand)

½ t baking soda

½ t cinnamon

1/8 t salt

½ c low fat buttermilk (or substitute ½ c skim milk with 1 t white vinegar)

1 egg

3 T molasses

2 T packed dark brown sugar

  1. Preheat the oven to 375; spray an 8x4 loaf pan with nonstick cooking spray.
  2. In a medium bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, orange zest, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt. In another bowl, combine the buttermilk, egg, molasses, and brown sugar. Pour over the flour mixture, mixing quickly to blend (do not overmix).
  3. Transfer to the pan. Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, about 35-40 minutes. Cool completely on a rack.

We like to serve this dense bread with soups to complete a meal. Add a little jam and it's a great snack.

Beef and Vegetable Soup

Beef and Vegetable Soup

Recipe adapted from Weight Watchers Cook It Quick
8 servings
3 points per serving

1 t olive oil (I don’t use this because I use a nonstick pan, sprayed with cooking spray)
2 medium onions, chopped
4 stalks celery, chopped
4 carrots, peeled and chopped
20 oz boneless round steak, about ½ inch slice, cut into ½ inch cubes
2 c low sodium beef broth (or 2 bullion cubes dissolved in 2 c water)
2 cans green beans, drained (or two cups frozen, thawed)
2 cans corn, drained (or two cups frozen, thawed)
6 scallions, sliced (I do not add these)
½ c chopped flat-leaf parsley (I do not add these)
½ t freshly ground pepper
6 c water
2 cans diced tomatoes

Heat the oil in a soup pot, then add the onion, celery, carrots, and beef. Saute until the beef is browned. Add the broth, beans, corn, scallions, parsley, pepper, water and tomatoes and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are tender.

I serve this with Sweet Brown Bread.

Easy Enchiladas

Easy Enchiladas

Recipe adapted from Weight Watchers New Complete Cookbook

8 servings

4 points per serving

2 t canola oil (I don't use this, just a nonstick skillet with some nonstick cooking spray)

1 lb ground turkey

2 red bell peppers, seeded and chopped

¼ c chopped onion

2 t chili powder

1 t ground cumin

one can diced tomatoes

one can black beans, rinsed and drained

one can pinto beans, rinsed and drained

¼ t black pepper

8 taco sized flour tortillas

1 c shredded reduced-fat cheese

  1. Preheat oven to 350; spray a 9x13 with nonstick cooking spray. In a large nonstick skillet, heat the oil. Saute the turkey, peppers, and onion, stirring frequently to break up the turkey, until browned, 6-8 minutes. Add the chili powder and cumin; cook, stirring, 1 minute. Stir in the tomatoes, beans, and black pepper. Reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes.
  2. Place the tortillas on a work surface, spoon the turkey mixture down the center of the tortillas, then roll them into cylinders. Place, seam-side down, in the baking dish; sprinkle with the cheese. Bake until heated through and the cheese is melted, 30-35 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.

We don’t usually serve anything with this, except some fat free sour cream. It’s very filling and somewhat spicy, so adjust to your tastes. If you have too much filling, it’s great the next day over a baked potato!

April 16, 2009

Starting weight: 171.5

2 Aunt Millie's whole wheat mini bagels - 2pts
1 T fat free cream cheese - 0 pts
1 WW yogurt - 1 pt
subtotal: 3pts

7 slices Healthy Ones Oven Roasted Turkey Breast - 1 pt
1/2 c fat free cottage cheese - 2 pts
1 oz Ruffles Light Potato Chips - 1 pt
subtotal: 4 pts

4 ounces lean Strip Steak - 4 pts (anyone know if I'm calculating this right?)
3/4 c green beans - 0 pts
subtotal: 4 pts

popcorn - 3 pts
2 c apple juice - 5 pts
4 reduced fat vanilla wafers - 1 pt
subtotal: 9 pts


EXERCISE: Face paced walking, 1 mile (pushing stroller)

WATER: Did not calculate today.


My name is Ryann and I'm a soon to be 30 year old woman. I'm a wife to Nick and a mother to Addyson. Over the last 10 years, I've been gaining weight, no excuses, just life. Recently, Nick has started losing weight by following the weight watchers point plan (not going to the meetings or doing the online thing, just borrowed a few books, figured it out, and is counting points) and working out. He's trying to get in shape so he can feel better about his chances of becoming a police officer for the Indianapolis Metro Police Department. Since mid January 2009, he's managed to lose 46 pounds. Motivated by his new lease on life and my own desire to be a healtier version of myself, I've decided to join the adventure. March 6, 2009, I began counting points and weighing myself daily.

Here are the gritty details:

  • March 6, 2009: 187 lbs
  • April 16, 2009: 171.5 lbs (basically 15.5 lbs from start)
  • short term goal: to reach 152 by May 30, 2009 (basically 35 lbs from start)
  • long term goal: to reach 135 by September 1, 2009 (basically 52 lbs from start)

For about 2 weeks, I've been stuck right around the 15 lbs lost mark. I've decided to start this blog to keep myself more accurate and accountable. I'm also hoping to notice some habits that I'm keeping that might be standing in my way of a more productive weight loss. I'll be checking in daily with reports about food and exercise and weight loss. My plan is to add recipes as well, with their point values, so that I can share some of my favorites. While I didn't take a "before" photo, I'm sure one from earlier this year will suffice, so I'll look for a good one to post. Perhaps once a month, I'll try to add a progress photo so I can really see the weight loss.

I know I need to add more cardio to my routine in order to help shed some of the weight. I began taking a ZUMBA class on March 11, 2009, which meets for an hour every Wednesday evening. I LOVE the class and haven't missed one yet! But, it's the only exercise I get, so I would like to add at least 2 more hours of intense cardio a week into the routine. In my life, it's easier said than done, but I'm going to have to make the effort. Addyson is a fiesty, just turned 2 year old. Her grandma keeps her while Nick and I work full time, so when I get home from work, I try to focus on family time. Since we live in Indianapolis, Indiana, the weather is so unpredictable. It's been too cold and wet this spring to take Addy out too often, but it looks like a warmer spring is headed our way. One lap around the neighborhood is 3/4 mile, so perhaps we'll be taking more walks, in order for me to squeeze in the exercise. I know lots of people are now loving the Wii fit, which would be perfect for me, but we don't have a Wii, so maybe I'll put that on my things to save for list.